Apex Legends: Crypto Gets Major Buff, Maybe Too Major.

Crypto was once considered a weak character in Apex Legends, but recent buffs have made him a more viable and strategic option for competitive play. The addition of abilities such as invisibility while piloting his drone has increased Crypto’s value and changed the game’s meta.

Although some professional players may not appreciate the changes, Crypto’s newfound success is a welcome development for a character that has historically struggled to gain traction. Phillip ‘ImperialHal’ Dosen, a prominent figure in the competitive Apex Legends community, expressed his dissatisfaction with the Crypto meta on a social media platform.

However, discussions about Crypto’s buffs in Season 22 have gained momentum since their implementation. Previously, Crypto was underutilized, with only a few teams including him in ALGS competitions.

His static and passive nature, along with an underwhelming kit, contributed to his lack of presence in ranked play. In comparison to other characters who excel in movement and provide essential recon capabilities, Crypto faced challenges in the game.

However, in Season 22, Crypto received a significant overhaul, introducing new abilities that have contributed to his transformation. With the ability to turn invisible while piloting his drone and extend its range, Crypto has become a more attractive option in competitive circles, particularly in light of recent developments affecting other characters like Bloodhound and Fuse.

The developers’ approach to making broad, sweeping changes to characters has resulted in Crypto’s resurgence, even though it may not be well-received by some professional players. Additionally, the current prominence of scan Legends in the competitive scene has made Crypto’s newfound success all the more noteworthy.

However, it is important to savor this moment, as a nerf may be on the horizon based on feedback from professional players. In conclusion, the recent changes have propelled Crypto into the spotlight and introduced new dynamics to competitive play, marking a significant shift in his position within the game.

These developments are a cause for celebration, as they have granted Crypto a well-deserved moment in the limelight.

Author: admin

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