Bethesda could assist in bringing Fallout: London to consoles for release.

The Fallout: London fan game developers previously stated that the game is too large to be shared on console mods and Nexus Mods. Consequently, it will be launched through GOG on PC. The developers hope to speak with Bethesda’s decision-makers in order to make a console release of the mod possible. They currently have a contact at the studio, who is described as overworked, but they seek permission to make Fallout: London a standalone thing for gaming consoles.

To play Fallout: London, players will need to downgrade their version of Fallout 4 to remove the next-gen update. However, this will only be feasible for those who purchased Fallout 4 through Steam and GOG, as the Epic Games Store does not allow downgrading. To bring Fallout: London to consoles, Bethesda may need to make an exception to their limits on console mods. This request is not unexpected, considering that Fallout: London is essentially a new game created using the Fallout 4 platform.

Despite the delay earlier this year, Fallout: London is anticipated to launch soon. Fallout 4 has expanded the series with features such as base building, an enhanced armor system, and an open world for players to explore at their leisure.

Author: admin

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