Bloodborne does not require a remaster.

The game in question is only nine years old, and some are arguing that recycling modern classics is both a waste of time and resources, especially when the game is readily available and still holds up. They suggest that the game needs only a 60fps patch for improvement, rather than an entirely new version of the same game. The striking gothic art style, coupled with Lovecraftian, eldritch horrors in nightmare planes and gloomy woods, overshadow any blemishes of last-gen that might affect this modern classic.

The main concern is the sluggish 30fps, a characteristic that many games have fixed with updates alone, without requiring remasters. However, there are valid calls for a Bloodborne PC port, as it would make this incredible FromSoftware work of art accessible to more people without the need for changes. Since these games are already playable on modern consoles and still look good today, some argue that there’s no need for improvements in graphical fidelity.

They point out that the graphical advancements have plateaued over the past three generations. While some suggest that new and improved graphics, quality-of-life features, and enhanced RTX lighting would breathe new life into Bloodborne, others argue against this, asserting that these changes would not make much of a difference given the minimal evolution in graphics over the last ten years. Moreover, they believe it would be more exciting to see the original developer create something new and unique, rather than revisiting the same game with minor updates.

They argue that a 60fps patch would be sufficient to revitalize Bloodborne and that making further changes would be a waste of resources and perpetuate the trend of recycling games shortly after their release. Despite the debate, Bloodborne is still considered an amazing game, providing a satisfying playing experience, and standing as one of From’s best works. It is a critically acclaimed action role-playing game where players must traverse the city of Yharnam in search of a cure for a mysterious illness.

Author: admin

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