The gist of the post was that sending your ideas to the director makes it less likely for them to be implemented due to potential legal issues. This view is not unique to Harada.
Living in a litigious world means that some may see fan ideas as a chance for monetary gain, which can detract from the fun of creating. While it may be exciting to imagine your concepts in a game, seeking the director’s attention for personal reasons is misguided.
Instead, find joy in creating and speculating without expecting recognition. The impact of the internet and social media can lead individuals to measure success by external validation, but true satisfaction should come from personal enjoyment.
Embracing creativity, even if it doesn’t lead to tangible results, contributes to personal growth. It’s essential to find inspiration in the things you love and use it to create and express yourself, independent of external recognition.
While sharing ideas with creators may not be advisable, it shouldn’t hinder you from pursuing your creative endeavors without expectations of validation or acknowledgment. In summary, the enjoyment of creation should be the primary focus, and seeking recognition or validation from others can distract from the true purpose of creative expression.
It is crucial to find fulfillment in the act of creating and expressing oneself, regardless of external validation or recognition.