Embrace Your Backlog Without Shame

It is a common human tendency to feel ashamed about things that should not evoke shame. This can include feeling guilty for not monetizing hobbies, taking time to relax in front of the TV after a long day at work, or acquiring books or video games but not getting around to reading or playing them.

Many people can relate to these feelings of shame, which are universal. The Japanese language has a specific word, “tsundoku” (積ん読), which refers to the act of acquiring books but letting them pile up unread.

Despite initially feeling ashamed when acquiring new books and thinking of the unread ones gathering dust, the realization of the concept of “tsundoku” has led to a shift in perspective. Rather than feeling shame, it is seen as a potential for future enjoyment and learning.

This change of perspective can also be applied to video games. Just as with books, the unplayed games represent potential experiences and knowledge waiting to be explored.

It is not a mark of shame for not having played every game, but a symbol of the vast amount of experiences and knowledge that one is yet to enjoy. The text emphasizes that it is impossible to play every video game, much like it is impossible to read every book.

Acquiring a large library of games is not a negative thing but rather a statement of intent, a thirst for knowledge and experience, and a commitment to broadening one’s horizons. Therefore, feeling down about having a substantial collection of unplayed games is to practice “tsungemu,” embracing the potential for future enjoyment and learning within the unplayed games.

Author: admin

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