Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is a game that has gained widespread attention, despite being released two decades ago. It stands out for its smart writing, captivating presentation, and modern feel. The game introduces new and diverse characters with unique traits and personalities, contributing to a vibrant and realistic world. Additionally, the gameplay allows players to shape Mario’s personality through dialogue choices, enabling them to portray him as either a valiant hero or a bully.
The game is acclaimed for its strong character development, a standout feature that has been echoed in subsequent Mario titles, such as Odyssey. While games like Super Paper Mario, Sticker Star, and The Origami King are praised for their writing and visuals, they did not achieve the same level of acclaim as The Thousand Year Door. Despite their distinct aesthetics, they were unable to replicate the magic of the earlier title, causing disappointment among fans. Looking back to the release of The Thousand Year Door, it was a departure from traditional Mario games due to its experimental nature and ambitious storytelling.
This experimental approach is praised for its willingness to take risks and explore new directions for the Mario franchise. In contrast, later games felt constrained by the established franchise tenets, leading to a lack of imagination and narrative freedom. The game is a reminder of Mario’s potential to explore new narratives and mechanics, breaking away from the repetitive 2D and 3D entries. It offers a unique adventure that challenges traditional perceptions of Mario and the Mushroom Kingdom, turning them into an innovative and engaging paper world.