MultiVersus Reveals New Banana Guard Character, Dividing the Community

MultiVersus has recently announced the addition of a new character to their roster, Banana Guard from Adventure Time. This surprise reveal has garnered mixed reactions from the fanbase, with some expressing disappointment over what they perceive as a wasted character slot.

On the other hand, there are fans who are delighted that the game is maintaining its lighthearted and silly tone, despite the character’s controversial reception. As the game’s big relaunch approaches, the developer, Player First, has been steadily unveiling new information about the upcoming additions to the game.

In addition to Banana Guard, The Joker has also been confirmed to be included in the relaunch. This has sparked speculation and excitement among the community, with various theories and guesses circulating about the other mystery characters.

However, the recent reveal of the Banana Guard as the second new character has left some fans feeling underwhelmed. The unexpected choice has led to divided opinions within the MultiVersus community, with some expressing disappointment while others are genuinely excited about the addition.

On social media platforms such as Reddit and Twitter, there is a noticeable split in reactions to Banana Guard’s inclusion. Some fans have voiced their discontent, labeling the character as a “wasted slot” and criticizing the decision to include what they consider to be a “joke character” in the relaunch.

This sentiment is particularly strong given the game’s previous hiatus. Conversely, there is a separate faction of fans who have embraced the unexpected addition with unreserved enthusiasm, highlighting the diverse range of opinions within the community.

Author: admin

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