The 5 Most Intriguing Lorcana Card Reveals For Ursula’s Return (So Far)

Big changes are coming to Lorcana in Ursula’s Return. The next Disney Lorcana expansion, Ursula’s Return, is just two weeks away.

Amidst the excitement around Set Championships in the last two weekends, there has been little time to think about the new cards. Additionally, the condensed spoiler season by Ravensburger has resulted in fewer than half of the cards being revealed so far.

However, card reveals are now coming fast and frequently, with around ten new cards being unveiled every day. One of the most promising cards revealed so far is Goofy, Super Goof.

This 2/4 Rush character provides early game answers for Aggro and consistent lore gain for Ruby/Amethyst and Ruby/Sapphire decks. Similarly, Ariel, Sonic Warrior offers a new play line for Steelsong decks, as it shifts Ariel, Spectacular Singer into a massive 3/8 body with the ability to deal damage when a song is played.

“We Don’t Talk About Bruno” emerges as a heavy hitter in existing Emerald discard decks, offering a disruptive song that can bounce an opponent’s character and force them to discard a card. Snuggly Duckling has potential in a ‘challenging matters’ deck, as a two-cost location with nine Willpower that can provide a lot of lore quickly.

Hidden Inkcaster is another impactful card that addresses one of Emerald’s biggest problems by making all uninkable cards in your deck inkable, plus allowing drawing a card. This opens up a range of possibilities for deck builds, including niche tech cards.

The card is a rule-breaking feature on par with Sapphire’s Fishbone Quill and is likely to be played in many Emerald decks. With changes on the horizon, these new cards bring fresh strategies and potential to the game.

Author: admin

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