Completing the Charged-Up Research Day Event in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go is launching its latest season, World of Wonders, with a new Research Day centered around Electric-type Pokemon. Called the Charged-Up Research Day, this event will feature several Electric-type Pokemon and exclusive event research, following a similar format as past Research Days. The Charged-Up Research Day is a one-day event taking place on Sunday, March 3, 2024, and will last for three hours, from 2pm to 5pm local time. A complete guide for the event, including all the details, has been compiled to help participants prepare accordingly.

During the Charged-Up Research Day, there will be a selection of featured Electric-type Pokemon, including Electrike, Chinchou, Blitzle, Joltik, and Helioptile. To encounter and catch these Pokemon, players will need to complete exclusive event Timed Research tasks, obtainable only during the three-hour duration of the event by visiting and spinning PokeStop Photo Discs. In addition to the featured Pokemon, there will be an increased spawn rate of six different Electric-type Pokemon in the wild during the Research Day. These Pokemon include Pikachu, Voltorb, Plusle, Minun, Emolga, and Pawmi.

Access to the Timed Research will cost $1.00 USD and will be available for purchase leading up to and during the event. Completing tasks in the Timed Research will reward players with encounters with the featured Pokemon, offering the opportunity to choose which Pokemon to encounter and catch. The Paid Timed Research will provide the same increased Shiny odds as those encountered through the event Field Research Tasks. It must be completed before the conclusion of the Research Day, which ends on March 3, 2024, at 5pm local time.

Author: admin

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