The Acolyte is a story that revolves around childhood and parenting, as opposed to just lightsaber fights and space adventures. In a recent conversation with Dafne Keen, Charlie Barnett, and Rebecca Henderson, the stars of The Acolyte, they shared their different perspectives on the idea of childhood and how it intersects with the Star Wars universe. Despite growing up in different eras of Star Wars, they all agree on what the franchise means to them.
Dafne Keen, who is 19 years old, expressed her awe at the enduring legacy of Star Wars, emphasizing its unifying and almost spiritual nature. Charlie Barnett, aged 36, also noted the generational appeal of the franchise, recognizing its significance to different age groups. Rebecca Henderson, 42, pointed out the physicality and authenticity of the original Star Wars films, which is also a key aspect of The Acolyte.
The show will use minimal green screen and focus on practical sets and stunts, aiming to capture the tangible feel of the original films. They also discussed the diverse and open dynamics of parentage depicted in The Acolyte, which resonated with them on a personal level. This theme, particularly represented by Amandla Stenberg’s character, explores the various ways in which children can be raised and introduced to the world.
Despite being a part of the Star Wars universe, The Acolyte reflects on parenting and childhood in a universal and relevant way. In their conversation, the stars of The Acolyte shared their deep appreciation for the enduring legacy and unifying nature of the Star Wars franchise. They also discussed the physicality and authenticity of the original films, which the new show aims to capture through practical sets and stunts.
Additionally, they praised the show’s exploration of diverse and open dynamics of parentage, forming a personal connection to this theme.