New Funko Fusion Game Comes from Experienced Lego Gamemakers and It Clearly Shows

Funko Fusion has a lot in common with the Lego game series. If you want to be a games journalist, there aren’t many requirements.

You don’t need a degree or relevant experience but need solid writing skills and a passion for games. A disdain for Funko Pops is also required.

The author, certified as a certified Funko Pop hater, sees potential in Funko Fusion despite this. The upcoming multiplayer action-adventure game, Funko Fusion, features over 60 characters from 20 franchises, including Back to the Future, The Walking Dead, The Thing, Invincible, and Nope.

It is described as a cynical IP soup that strips art of all meaning in pursuit of cutesy, collectible, nostalgia bait. However, the author sees potential in the game.

The game’s developer, 10:10 Games, is continuing the tradition of Traveller’s Tales’ Lego game studio. Funko Fusion shares the DNA of Lego games, featuring comical, simplified retellings of famous movies, allowing players to select characters and play through storylines in any order.

The game includes violence and gore, aligning with the source material’s authenticity. Funko Fusion is not a toys-to-life game like Lego Dimensions but a full-price game with plans for DLC content.

The studio intends to support it based on community interest. The game aims to retell classic stories through a Funko-fied lens while retaining the identity of its characters through their items and abilities.

Despite the unusual crossover of characters featured in Funko Fusion, the author is curious to see how it turns out and recognizes the potential it holds.

Author: admin

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