Streamer defeats Malenia using morse code, embarrasses Elon Musk in Elden Ring.

Silithur recently achieved an extraordinary feat by defeating the Elden Beast, Malenia, using Morse code. His accomplishment gained attention when he defeated Margit in February and continued to amass fans on his journey to the Elden Beast. However, his victory was overshadowed when Twitter owner Elon Musk attempted to belittle Silithur’s achievement, calling the Elden Beast “easy” and suggesting that Silithur try beating Malenia instead.

In response, Silithur not only defeated Malenia with Morse code but also delivered a scathing comeback to Musk, gaining the admiration of many. Musk’s apparent underestimation of Silithur’s skills prompted the Elden Ring player to prove him wrong. Soon after Musk expressed skepticism that Silithur could beat Malenia in the same manner, Silithur released a video showing his victory over Malenia with apparent ease.

The situation turned more embarrassing for Musk as Silithur’s response garnered significantly more support on social media, with a ratio of 49,000 likes to Musk’s 4,300. Silithur’s remarkable achievement in conquering Elden Ring with Morse code not only stands on its own as an impressive feat but also serves as a striking embarrassment to the wealthiest individual on the planet. Silithur’s triumph is a testament to his skill and perseverance, leaving a lasting mark on the gaming community and beyond.

Author: admin

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