Streamer Wins Tekken 8 Matches Using Eddy Gordo with Only 3 Button Presses

Eddy Gordo takes the crown for least favorite character in Tekken 8, frustrating opponents with his lightning-fast attacks. Surprisingly, it works. They have a win rate of 42.857 percent.

Eddy Gordo was already pretty infamous among Tekken fans. He’s always been the lightning-fast fighter who is incredibly difficult to counter, but Tekken 8 takes things up a couple of notches. So, mere days after being added to the game, he became one of the least popular characters to fight against.

What’s worse, it’s working – they’ve even had a few perfect rounds. Understandably, spamming the same attack over and over gets annoying (believe me, I used to do nothing but uppercuts with my friend in Mortal Kombat), so some opponents have even rage quit matches as jimmashima employs this strategy. Spamming ‘3’ sees Eddy duck and kick into the air before sliding down and kicking low.

He does this so fast that a lot of opponents simply get caught off guard and stuck in a loop of being booted over and over. They’ve been doing this for a few days now and hold a win rate of 42.857 percent, even boasting a winning streak of nine matches. All by spamming a singular button.

So, if you want to try and get a few K.O.s under your belt, this isn’t exactly the hardest strat to emulate. “Eddy is still Eddy. He’s always been the king of obnoxious bullsh*t in Tekken,” Fibrizzo said.

“Eddy Gordo was the initial source of my frustration when I first tried this game,” Oleleplop replied. “My cousin had the PS1 and he was destroying me with Eddy any time I was winning ONE game against him. He locked Eddy and I couldn’t do shi*t”.

Author: admin

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