Optimal Team Setup for Defeating Snow Stomper in AFK Journey

Snow Stomper is one of the most difficult bosses in AFK Journey’s Dream Realm. Capable of freezing damage dealers in blocks of ice, defeating this boss requires a well-constructed team.

The primary mechanic of Snow Stomper is to freeze the hero with the highest accumulated damage in a block of ice, rendering them unable to attack and causing damage to their health until freed. Other heroes in the team will automatically attack the block of ice to release the frozen hero.

Additionally, Snow Stomper can interrupt heroes, targeting tanks or healers, making healing challenging. Due to this, relying on consistent healing from dedicated healers is not feasible, and alternate sources of healing must be utilised.

In battling Snow Stomper, a diverse team is required, comprising tank, DPS, buffer, and debuffer roles. Faction bonuses should also be considered, with three heroes from the same faction providing a boost to damage and health.

Tanks for Snow Stomper should focus on increasing survivability rather than drawing attention away from other heroes. Heroes like Thoran, Temesia, Shakir, Brutus, and Kruger are recommended for this role.

High single-target damage is essential for DPS heroes in this fight. Marilee, Odie, Rhys, Korin, Cecia, and Vala are suggested choices for this role.

Buffers like Shakir, Lyca, Damian, and Koko become crucial in the absence of a healer, providing essential offensive and defensive buffs. Debuffers such as Reinier and Kruger are recommended to increase damage dealt to the boss.

When putting together a team for battling Snow Stomper, careful consideration of each hero’s role and abilities is essential to ensure a well-rounded and effective strategy.

Author: admin

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