Aaron Paul’s Involvement with Fallout: New Vegas Explored in Detail

Paul has a list of credits including Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy 15, Help I’m A Fish, and Breaking Bad. He doesn’t publicly talk about it, but there may be a deeper connection between Breaking Bad’s Jesse Pinkman and Fallout. One theory is that he was invited to the Fallout: New Vegas launch event following his fame from playing Jesse. In the 14 years since, Paul has become a die-hard fan.

Fallout wouldn’t be Aaron Paul’s first video game experience. He played the leading role in Final Fantasy 15: Kingsglaive and was also in a TV show called The Division. Paul was also at the Fallout premiere and was enthusiastic about the show. The involvement of random actors in the promotion of products harkens back to a time where developers and publishers wouldn’t hesitate to involve them.

Paul’s parts in Westworld would explain his friendship with Nolan. His appearance at the Fallout launch party may be a happy coincidence, but there are more coincidences, such as the first season ending with a teaser for New Vegas. Despite ending over a decade ago, Breaking Bad remains a constant fixture of popular culture. His work in BoJack Horseman shows Paul’s range as an actor, which could bring a new perspective to Fallout.

The casting could go in many directions. The game is met with critical acclaim and involves traversing a wasteland to look for your father while solving the mystery of his disappearance.

Author: admin

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