Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 6 Allows Faster Companion Swapping

Baldur’s Gate 3 is set to have a new patch that introduces some quality-of-life improvements. One of the key features will allow players to swap companions without the need to manually dismiss one and then recruit the other.

This will make the process much more seamless and efficient. The new feature will enable players to recruit a new companion even when the party is full, using dialogue options to inform the new member of who they will be replacing.

Larian, the game developer, explained that players will now have the ability to dismiss a recruited companion while speaking to the one they want to replace them with. This change is aimed at streamlining the process and eliminating the need to manually make space in the party before recruiting a new member.

In addition to the companion swapping feature, the upcoming patch will also address an issue with the Shield Bash reaction and better prioritize the player character in cutscenes, ensuring that they always lead the conversation. The patch will also introduce overhauled kissing animations for romanceable companions, adding new content and enhancing the gameplay experience.

The release date for the patch has not been explicitly announced by Larian, but it is expected to go live on Valentine’s Day. This patch is anticipated to bring significant improvements to the game and enhance player interaction with the companions, as well as addressing various gameplay issues.

Author: admin

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