Fallout 4 Mod Allows Removal of Next-Gen Update

Many Fallout 4 players on PC are removing the recent update to revert to their modded playthroughs. The update has caused issues with mods and introduced new bugs and performance problems. Originally meant to go live last year, the update was highly anticipated, but has turned out to be disappointing for those using mods. Modded playthroughs, especially on consoles, have been put on hold until mod authors can update their creations.

To address this issue, a popular Fallout 4 mod has been released on Nexus Mods that removes the update from the game files, allowing players to resume their modded playthroughs. The “Fallout 4 Downgrader” from Nexus Mods, created by user zerratar, does exactly what its name suggests by reverting all the improvements made in the latest Fallout 4 update. It has already been installed more than 10,000 times since its release. The decision to remove the update is not surprising, given that the update not only broke mods but also introduced bugs and performance issues.

On consoles, the update has caused game instability, with frequent crashes reported by players on platforms like the PlayStation 5. The timing of the update has been particularly unfortunate, coinciding with a surge in popularity for Fallout 4 mods following the release of a TV show adaptation. The increased interest in modding caused significant demand on Nexus Mods, leading to occasional site inaccessibility. Due to these developments, many players have resorted to using the Fallout 4 Downgrader mod to continue their modded playthroughs.

Author: admin

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