The remake of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (TTYD) features several changes from the original game. One noticeable change is the early-game conversation between Bowser and one of his Koopa Troopas.
In the original game, the Koopa Troopa tells Bowser he’s been working out, to which Bowser responds dismissively. In the remake, the conversation is altered to be more respectful, with Bowser encouraging the minion to get strong in a less derogatory manner.
Another change involves the dialogue of the cat-calling Goombas in Rogueport. In the original GameCube release, they cat-call Goombella and refer to her in offensive ways.
However, in the remake, this exchange has been toned down, with the Goombas now insulting Mario and Goombella for being “surface-level snobs.” The essence of the conversation remains the same, leading to a fight, but the way it is conveyed has been adjusted.