Resident Evil 9 to be Released in 2025, Despite Previous Reports of Delay

It has been reported that the rumored delay for Resident Evil 9 may not be true after all. AestheticGamer, also known as Dusk Golem, had previously stated that the game had been delayed and the release date was uncertain. However, a recent update on Twitter from AestheticGamer indicates that the earlier rumor should be discounted. According to the new information, it is expected that Resident Evil 9 will be revealed “pretty soon” and released in 2025.

If the previously heard information about the game is accurate, it may be released in January, aligning with the typical schedule for recent Resident Evil games. AestheticGamer’s update provides reassurance regarding the potential delay of Resident Evil 9. They suggest that the game should be revealed soon and released next year, potentially in January, refuting earlier rumors of a delay. Furthermore, AestheticGamer mentions that if the game is released in 2025, it will have had seven years of development time.

This prolonged development period is attributed to the early start of development in 2018 as the eighth game, with Resident Evil Village initially intended as a spin-off before evolving into a mainline release. Considering the usual release schedule of Resident Evil games, the potential release window for Resident Evil 9 aligns with previous patterns. While the game’s development timeline may seem lengthy compared to previous releases in the series, the context surrounding its early development as the eighth entry and the subsequent evolution of Resident Evil Village sheds light on the extended development period.

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