Skull And Bones available at over 50% discount on Amazon

Skull and Bones, a quad-A game from Ubisoft, has recently had its price cut from $70 to just $29.99. This significant reduction comes less than three months after the game’s release, likely due to sub-par sales. Despite over a decade of development, the game has not performed as well as anticipated. This price drop of more than 50 percent suggests that the game isn’t meeting Ubisoft’s expectations.

The PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions of Skull and Bones are currently available for the reduced price on Amazon. The game’s price point has been a subject of discussion, with some considering $29.99 to be a fair deal for the game, while others question its value. However, it’s clear that the price reduction is a notable move from its original $70 price tag. The game has also received mixed reviews and reactions, leading to skepticism about trying it out.

Skull and Bones is a pirate-based action game set in the Indian Ocean, featuring an open-world multiplayer environment. Despite its price cut, it’s uncertain how long the game will be available at this reduced price. It’s possible that the price may not drop further in the near future, regardless of its sales performance. In addition to the price reduction, Ubisoft offered an eight-hour free trial of the game and conducted an open beta before its release.

Despite these efforts, its performance has fallen short of expectations. Some players have even returned to Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, the game that inspired Skull and Bones, following its release. The game’s pricing strategy and its perceived value continue to be topics of discussion. The significant price reduction may attract new players, but it remains to be seen whether it will revive the game’s success in the long run.

Author: admin

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