Sora’s Smash Ultimate Amiibo Restocked at Best Buy on Release Day

Sora’s Smash amiibo has been anticipated by fans for a long time, and now it is finally available at Best Buy, although in limited quantities. Sora was added to the Super Smash Bros.

Ultimate roster over two years ago, making his inclusion in the game a dream come true for many fans. However, due to licensing complexities with the Kingdom Hearts franchise, the creation of a Sora amiibo initially seemed unrealistic.

Despite this, Nintendo managed to release the Sora amiibo, and it is now back in stock at Best Buy, though pre-orders have been selling out rapidly. The availability of the Sora amiibo has been a challenge, with pre-orders even being offered only through Amazon Japan at one point.

It’s important to note that the amiibo is only available for in-store pickup at Best Buy, meaning the stock levels may vary by location. If you are eager to obtain one, it’s recommended to check the availability at multiple Best Buy locations nearby.

Sora’s amiibo is the final addition to the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character roster to receive its own figure.

With this release, the game now boasts almost 100 amiibo figures, with each character having at least one, and some even having multiple amiibo options. While certain characters like Shulk, Terry, and Joker have recently had their amiibo reprinted, the availability of these figures can be unpredictable, and it is uncertain how Nintendo plans to handle amiibo in the future, especially with the potential announcement of a Switch successor.

Despite the uncertainty, the popularity of amiibo remains strong.

Author: admin

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